Saturday, 30 October 2010

Expect the Unexpected

I was going to do a Halloween post but thought that would be a bit predictable for me. I decide to take some pictures at dusk. Above is 'my' Linden tree. It looks quite sculptural against the sky with the backdrop of telephone cables!

The plants take on a delicate silhouette against the sky. The sun is about to go down and the sky is momentarily blue.

A pretty little cluster of flowers against its shrubby leaves.

A massive rain cloud comes in from a South Easterly direction towards the West.

Outside my house. Who needs pumpkins and ghouls, witches and bats, cauldrons and spells when a house looks as scary as mine does. I should think the trick or treaters will be staying well away. Now where did I put my broom..........................!


  1. Yowwwww - yup, plenty spooky enough for me!

  2. You funny lady Simone! Those clouds look really spooky!
    Get your umbrella instead of your broom, LOL!
    Happy Hallowen!

  3. Happy Halloween, definitely spooky x

  4. Lovely post... very spooky indeed (don't you just love that twilight period when things take on a whole new aspect?)

    Happy Halloween xx

  5. Mmmm, very atmospheric! Great photos, Simone.
    Happy Hallowe'en!
    Love Kathy xxx

  6. Wow Simone, spooky photos!
    Still feel sorry for that poor tree!
    Hope you've put your broom away for the night now!!!lol
    Vivienne x

  7. Your photos are very atmospheric - and your poor linden tree looks stunning against that dark blue sky. I think those trick or treaters may think twice about knocking at your door - is your broom ready?:)

  8. Cool photos! You captured the spookiness of the season quite well!

  9. Lovely ohotos - I'll be steering clear of your house tonight! Juliex

  10. What super photos! Happy Hallowe'en.

  11. I am glad no trick or treaters discovered my ceramic pumpkin in the porch. No sweets for them. All I had to offer was a couple of digestive biscuits left in the bottom of the packet! x

    PS. Your house does look pretty scary.


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