Thursday, 4 November 2010

Friday Sweet Treat No.1

Do you remember the Friday Cake Bake I used to do? Well, let me introduce you to the Friday Sweet Treat!!! Today's treats are Granny Smith apples (sharp and tart!) dipped in a generous amount of melted Belgian chocolate and covered in chocolate sprinkles.

I made sure that the chocolate coating is good and thick! As much as I love eating toffee apples these are much kinder on the teeth. Do you fancy making a Friday Sweet Treat? Have a lovely weekend. x

p.s. Thank you for all the encouraging comments left for me on my last post. I get the feeling that I am not alone in my thoughts and there are many like minded souls among you. Coventry seems to be a very crowded place!


  1. Mmmmmmmmmmmm! Must have a go at those!
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. Good idea but my front teeth are so fragile these days I dare not bite into an apple even a chocolate coated one and have to slice it first! Glad you won't be alone in Coventry - it's sounding like quite a fun place to be!!


  3. They sound yummy. Love Belgian chocolate! And apples - one of your 5 a day - must be good for you! You sound chirpier today - good:)

  4. Soooo pleased to see that your positive (and hyper-calorific) mood is back!

  5. Yay for Simones friday feed up!!


  6. Oh I remember your Friday cakes ... that was when I was new to blogging and I could never join in because I was working. You've inspired me to make something sweet and delicious today. Must get my recipe books out!
    Love Kathy xxx

  7. Sorry me again.
    I've added a link to my patchwork tutorial if you want to give it a go, it really is easy.

    ps. you've reminded me that I'm supposed to be baking bread, I'd better go get kneading!!

    Its almost the weekend!

  8. the sweet treats look wonderful!
    as does the new blog look :o)

  9. Oh my ... there goes my diet. *sigh* Ah well, I suppose as it's mostly apple and only a thin layer of chocolate, it counts as vitamin supplement and not as a sweet, doesn't it? ;-)

  10. Your chocolate coated apples look wonderful, Simone, what a good idea. Unfortunately, like Jane I can't bite into apples easily anymore - I have to slice them or chop them into a fruit salad. I loved your Friday cake bakes and you inspired me to bake too - it was great fun:)

  11. Oh yummy Simone, I wish I lived close to you!! I adore toffee apples but I know I would also love Belgian Chocolate Apples too!!
    I do hope this is the start of a new little series, something to look forward to every Friday!!
    Have a great weekend. :)
    Vivienne x

  12. Thank you so much for your kind words and I'm very glad that you were led to my blog at this difficult time in my life. I have found some very wonderful people in blog land and when I met them, they were just as I thought and we've become great friends. It's great being a blogger :D

  13. Scrummy, these look really lovely. x

  14. I love your idea of using chocolate instead.x

  15. Oh my goodness, Simone!! What a delicious idea!!!!

  16. Hi Simone
    The quilt is all by hand, probably bind and quilt with the machine.

    Have a go at smaller hexagons first, far less tricky, and quick too.
    Once you understand how it works, you will realise how easy it really is!

    Have a good evening

    Clare x

  17. Mmmmm, Friday Sweet Treat sounds a very good idea indeed!


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