Thursday, 16 June 2011

Arty Crafty

I don't define myself as an artist but don't really fit into the craft camp either.  Is there such thing as a craftist?  By that I mean someone who combines art and craft together. If so then that is what I am!

The above photos (I don't define myself as a photographer either!) were made using various techniques such as :

  • brayering
  • rubber stamping
  • masking
  • doodling
  • paper piecing

I really do enjoy combining various techniques to reach the desired outcome.  I know the detail of the balloon is obscured by the flash in the picture on the left but it made me think of the sun shining down onto it.  The sun has been in short supply for most of June so it is a nice reminder of carefree sunny days watching the balloons up in the sky and sharing a picnic under the shade of a tree.  The leaves rustling in the warm breeze.


  1. You made those? I would definitely define you as an artist - they're brilliant! x

  2. Well if there isn't such a thing as a craftist, there is now! That's a great word I love it. :)
    Your balloon cards are gorgeous. The hot air balloons are very pretty.
    You say you're not an artist ( which I don't believe to be true) but you certainly paint a pretty picture in words, I would like to be lying under that tree too!
    Vivienne x
    P.S. When are you going to open a card shop?

  3. 'Craftist'? - great word! Love the pictures - I think you're very talented in a range of mediums (?media). Abby x

  4. What is an artist? I'd say that was definitely art!

  5. Good call... I like the lighter backgrounds too. It's funny... I've noticed that when I buy art I'm usually drawn to the soft, muted and demure, yet when I make art it often comes out much more vibrant than I originally envisioned it. Hmmmm........

  6. Oh - a quick postscript... I keep seeing the "which austen heroine are you? on your blog... I took the quiz and I'm Elizabeth Bennett!

  7. Hi Simone, they are absolutely fantastic, I'd say you were an artist but "whats in a name"!
    I know hardly any of those terms you use, what on earth is brayering??
    Have a lovely weekend. x

  8. I think they are lovely and I like the word 'craftist' - whichever label you are very talented:)


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