Wednesday, 3 August 2011

I Heard it Through the Grapevine

Congratulations to all of you that correctly guessed that my voluntary work is at a vineyard!  Within farmland, it is in a wonderful setting where I could see anything from alpacas to shire horses, chickens to sheep and pigs  to goslings.  The wildlife is abundant and I hope to have many photo opportunities over the coming weeks.
I am very excited by this community project.  Apparently there hasn't been a vineyard here since medieval times.  The vineyard will provide organically grown grapes including Bacchus and Pinot Noir to provide wine to consumers across London.  As the wine will be organic we cannot treat the area with chemicals therefore we have to use a lot of hard graft weeding by hand.  Unfortunately we will not see the fruits of our labour for another couple of years as the project is in its infancy.

This naughty saddle back piglet escaped out of his enclosure today and was running up and down between the rows of vines!  Yes we have entertainment here too!


  1. It all sounds wonderful Simone ... what a lovely way to spend your time out of doors in such beautiful surroundings! Looking forward to seeing all your photographs. I love pigs .... that little one looks so cute!

  2. Ha, I was right! That doesn't happen often. What a wonderful way to volunteer, far more fun than a Charity Shop. Harder work too, though. It's a very exciting project and I hope you'll post about it regularly.

  3. Great project, Simone. I look forward to hearing more about it. Aren't those pigs amusing - love the little one!
    Helen x

  4. Oh, Simone! That is wonderful! What an exciting project and a lovely setting to be working. That those sweet pigs! Naughty though they may be, they sure are cute!

  5. Jolly hard work I guess but very worthwhile. Love that little piggy but guess he is destined for pork chops and is not a pet? Looking forward to hearing more about your work.

  6. Sounds like a wonderful project to be involved with, Simone. I'm looking forward to hearing more about the work you are doing - it looks so interesting:)

  7. And here was me thinking you were picking cotton Simone!!! :)
    What a wonderful project, good for you for getting involved. I'm looking forward to seeing lots of nature photos. Those pigs are so lovely, I can imagine how funny it was when the baby got out!
    I do hope you get to taste the wine some day!
    Vivienne x

  8. Simone, congratulations on volunteering for such a fine project. It's often hard to know that it will be years before it will BE as it is now in the eye of he who imagined it. All progress is good, however slow. Thanks what I keep reminding myself.
    Just what are your responsibilities there??? besides pig rustling? All the best.

  9. I'm so glad you have found yourself such satisfying voluntary work Simone. Of course I always love to see a pig or two, having lived alongside them during my childhood and teenage years. x

  10. Wow I think this will lift your spirits big time!!

    I prefer pants to slacks, though people would think I was talking about my undies!

  11. That sounds a fine project Simone - good for you for volunteering, I hope you enjoy it.
    Gill xx

  12. What a wonderful place to do some volubtary work. Hope you enjoy it immensely.
    Lisa x

  13. Oh what a wonderful project to be involved in. No wonder you are enjoying yourself!


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