Sunday, 3 February 2013

Thirsty Work

When you are a cat there is nothing finer than drinking stagnant water, as demonstrated by Gizmo.


  1. Good old Gizmo, glad to see he's looking well. Our old cat used to drink water out the toilet, I suppose that was usually quite fresh, I was always worried he'd fall in!

  2. Good to see Gizmo again!

  3. I love him! My cat does exactly the same!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you for the comment on the garden Simone!You gave me such a positive vibe! You have a reply. Visit my posting again, to read it!

  4. Gizmo is gorgeous! Our cats always seem to prefer to drink from puddles or the bottom of plant pots than from the bowl of tap water we put out for them:)

  5. Why do they do that!!! I have seen our cats drink from the little indents of a manhole cover which are filled with rainwater and turn their noses up at a bowl of clean fresh water!
    V xxx

  6. My dogs do exactly the same! :-)
    Have a lovely week!

  7. He's a beauty. Our cat prefers fresh running water, ideally from the kitchen tap!

  8. Gorgeous Gizmo guzzling gunge!

  9. Aww he's so cute. Jacky ginger is obsessed with water and is always drinking out of stray buckets and my plant pot saucers! Hope you are well.
    Hen x
    P.s. finally doing a craft it forward on my blog this coming week!!!

  10. How funny! Gizmo is very cute! It's hard to know why many cats seem to love drinking water that is far from fresh but they do!
    Helen x

  11. Hello Simone,

    When my Gaspard my young dog walks around with a gurgling tummy I know he's been quenching hist thirst on stagnant water again!


  12. I don't have a picture coming up but I am sure Gizmo looks wonderful. I have given you and Gizmo an award - you will have to drop by my place to collect it. x

  13. Gizmo is such a gorgeous cat, but not very classy in his choice of beverage! My Rosie loves to drink from the toilet!! Cats!! xx

  14. Champagne for cats! I love Gizmo xxx


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