Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Linden Tree

I took this photo of the Linden tree that stands outside my house, a week ago.  Today the tree is almost devoid of leaves.  I do love the last burst of glory before the tree falls into its winter sleep.  I have loved the autumn colours this year but not spent nearly enough time out in nature watching the leaves turn from greens to golds. 

I am a little melancholy today for things that could have been.  Sometimes I find it hard to see a way forward other than to just keep going until the fog clears.


  1. We had a very stormy night last night and the trees have lost almost all of their leaves. They were lovely while they lasted.

  2. Although it is a glorious and colourful time of year it can be melancholic too. What a lovely tree to see every day. I was out taking photos in the garden this morning as our tulip tree has well and truly embraced autumn now:)

  3. The autumn colours have been wonderful this year, there's still lots out there to enjoy Simone!
    V X

  4. Winter's calling,
    Leaves are falling.

  5. Fall is bittersweet, Simone. The colors are so pretty, but then it rains or the wind picks up and suddenly, as you say, the trees are bare and we know what's coming. You have so much natural talent. Perhaps focusing on creativity and practicing being thankful will help you through. I hope so. :) Hugs, Nancy

  6. This is my favorite kind of photo, Simone - a beautiful umbrella of leaves. I also enjoyed your Dutch boy sketch in your previous post. I love doing a daily drawing when time permits. I hope your feeling of melancholy lifts soon.
    Sending hugs! xx

  7. What a lovely photo. Here a lot of the trees are bare, but the oaks are in all of their late autumn glory. Golds and coppers and rusts. So beautiful.

    I'm sorry to hear you're feeling melancholy. I think there's no other way to move forward than to just keep going. We can do nothing about the past (except learn from it) and so much of the future is out of control. We do, however, have control over the present moment. Make the most of it and enjoy what beauties and joys are there in it. That's really all we can do!

    I hope your fog clears soon, Simone! Enjoy your weekend!


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