Wednesday, 1 January 2020

January 2020

So here I am on 1st January 2020.  The last year flashed past in the blink of an eye - especially the last couple of weeks. I have hardly had time to catch breath let alone come up with a list of new year resolutions.

I have a new calendar of Dutch Masters floral painters, a new diary and a wheel of the year card to celebrate the seasons.

I have wanted a wheel of the year card for ages as a reminder to appreciate each coming season.

Beautifully painted flowers in my calendar imagery.  The dark backgrounds really make them stand out.  Can you see the water droplets, tiny ants and snail in the picture?

First week in my diary.  I hope to fill it with places to go and visit.

Back page of the diary.  It really is a lovely book with lots of lovely art work and writing.

Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy 2020


  1. Those are certainly lovely, I have not seen a wheel of the year card before -I hope you will reveal each season to us.
    Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year Simone.x

    1. Thank you Vivien. I've been checking in on your blog even though I haven't commented much. Had a raw beetroot and carrot salad today for my lunch inspired by one of your posts. x

  2. Happy new year Simone, I hope you fill that diary with lots of fun times!!

    1. Thank you Vivienne. Here's to fun times! x

  3. I hope your new diary is soon filled with lots of lovely things to do. Happy new year Simone:)

    1. Thanks Rosie. I just need to make plans now. x

  4. Thank you and to you too. :)

  5. I doubt if it will take you long to decide where to go. Good luck!


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