Sunday 12 April 2020

Garden Update

I've been making steady progress on clearing the ground for a 'kitchen' garden.  You can see some of what I did previously here.

It has been back breaking work digging out deep roots and turning the soil but it has been so rewarding.  I am impatient to get some plants in the ground that I have started off from seed but will have to wait a little longer until the time is right.

I had forgotten about the old ceramic cat ornament that had been covered up in the undergrowth.  He can stay for now to scare off anything that may want to spoil my newly cultivated ground!


  1. Hopefully, no cats will come over the fence and use that wonderful soil as a litter box! We have trouble with cats doing that at our house. Good luck with your garden!

    1. No trouble with cats - only foxes! My own cat uses a litter tray. :)

  2. Gosh you have worked hard. Hope the ceramic cat will keep of any other animals till you get it planted up. If you have any concerns on that score you could always cover it with something or put down rolled up netting o something.

    1. I'm not worried about it Jane. I still need to dig and rake it a bit more anyhow. :)

  3. Fingers crossed that it all works out for you Simone.

  4. You found a cat, that's fun. Great job on the kitchen garden. Doing that here too. This weekend we built our first raised bed just with what we had around the house. Pretty fun. I'll say.

    Happy Planting and boogie boogie.

    1. I would love to have raised beds one day too! Good that you was able to make one just with what you had around the house! :)

    2. Hi Simone. We started with what we had around the house and have ordered more wood since then. Two small batches for testing. Right now I have cedar and two different pine boxes. A total of 5 as of this writing. Can you make raised beds where you are too?

  5. You have done remarkably well to prepare that border - any bare earth we leave attracts next doors cat as they only have grass in their garden and no borders for their cat to dig in. Maybe I will try a ceramic cat - I have tried everything else! x

    1. Hi Vivien! I don't suppose the ceramic cat will be of any use at all! x

    2. I have a laughing Buddah but it doesn't deter the cats either!

  6. Replies
    1. It's a pity that the house isn't also Vivienne! It is hard to tidy up when two other people share the same space! :)

  7. It looks so nice Simone and I love the ceramic cat! Your hard work will pay off for you I'm sure.

    1. Thanks Bonnie. I hope that my labour will reap benefits at some stage! :)

  8. Lots of hard work Simone but it will all be worth it when you have a lovely colourful border. The cat is lovely, it will look super amongst the flowers:)

    1. Thanks Rosie. I am looking forward to seeing the results later in the year! Have a lovely week. x

  9. Do you hear the applause coming from across the sea?? Goodness, you've done well. Just seeing the sunshine and the spring growth in your corner of the world is giving me hope. We had an ice/snow storm overnight and it's white as far as the eye can see. Won't last long, but makes me glad my little seedlings are safely still snug under their grow lights. Can't wait to see what your new plot will bring. Happy Easter Monday, Simone.

    1. Happy Easter Monday Sharon! I am sure that your snow will soon melt and everything will start to green up again. I'm glad that you have little seedlings ready to plant out when it is time. :)

  10. Your garden is looking better and better, Simone! I can understand your impatience to get it planted. My seedlings are still tiny and we had snow overnight, so I have to wait, too.

    Love the blue cat!

    1. Thank you Anne. This is just a border that I have neglected for far too long so I thought it might as well be productive! I hope your little seedlings thrive and are ready for you to transplant when it warms up a bit. :)

  11. The blue cat is a bit scary looking, so I don't think you'll have much of a problem with other cats or foxes ……. I'd be too scared!! :0)


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