Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Goal Setting Revisited

Earlier in the year I set myself some personal goals that I wanted to achieve. These goals were to identify and read 10 books by John Steinbeck during 2010 and to paint and draw every day.

I read 3 John Steinbeck novels but after the greatness of the Grapes of Wrath I found it difficult to engage with some of the characters in his subsequent books.

Painting and drawing every day fell by the wayside too. I just didn't always feel like painting or drawing and guess that the lure of the paper and palette box is not as strong as I once assumed.

I have decided to review my personal goals and will do so on a regular basis. As my interests develop, my goals will be reviewed and updated as necessary.

So, my new goal is this; to identify and read 50 books from the best English Language Novels of the 20th century. I am starting with 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee. I have put no time limit on when the books have to be read by and will read them at leisure.

Have you any personal goals you want to achieve?


  1. That's my favourite book ... I hope you are moved by it as much as I am. My husband is working his way through John Steinbeck. He's just embarked on East of Eden after finishing the Grapes of Wrath. I haven't read any ... they look a bit heavy for my frame of mind right now. I need a bit of frivolity at the moment!
    Love Kathy xxx

  2. That is my favourite book too. In fact, No2's middle name is Jem.

    I really am trying to get back into reading again. I used to be such a bookworm but I think I do so much reading online these days, by the time it comes to pick up a book I'm all read out.

  3. That's a great starting book for a personal goal. I want to feel like I've achieved something worthwhile every day. Just a single step in the right direction. Not sure how to turn that mission into something more quantifiable though.

  4. Hello Simone. I think all personal goals should be reviewed don't you? Times change and we move on, so the goals need to do the same otherwise they become chores. I LOVE To Kill a Mocking Bird and it is my joint favourite novel (the other is Great Expectations - Miss Haversham is such a great character). My short-term personal goals are to sort our garage - a greater task than painitng the Forth Bridge - and to work on my business aims. x

  5. Good luck with your goal. I hope you achieve them.
    I have a 30 things to do before 30 list of goals. I've managed a couple. Just over two years to go and the list is looking daunting.

  6. This week I want to actually send the notes I bought in Kilkenny, post about my summer reading, and do everything on my To-Do list. But tomorrow is suddenly Thursday! And 2010 was supposed to be my year of reading Kirkegaard and i still haven't finished the biography! Do read L'Etranger by Camus- I know it's a French novel but I read it every year, Gilead every two years and A Handmaid's Tale every few, when well enough steeled for the task!

  7. I felt the same after my first few Steinbeck. Think you'll love 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. My personal goal is to stick to my running regime.

  8. Oh, always! And I like your idea of revisiting your personal goals. As you grow and change, your goals should, too! It's great to be mindful of that.

  9. To paint more often. So, I joined the Twenty Minute Challenge yesterday (you get 20 mins to draw and paint your picture. No fudging on the time!) and I'm enjoying it.

    BUT! I've learned that when I set goals and don't meet them.. it's okay. Just continue on as soon as you can get back to it. Takes the pressure/burden off and keeps me on track - pretty much!


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