Wednesday, 1 September 2010


Where the ripe pears droop heavily
The yellow wasp hums loud and long
His hot and drowsy autumn song:
A yellow flame he seems to be,
When darting suddenly from high
He lights where fallen peaches lie.

William Sharpe


  1. Happy September Simone!
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem!

  2. What a lovely poem for the 1st of September - thanks for sharing it:)

  3. Lovely picture!I wish you have a very happy september!
    The poem is beautiful!

  4. Perfect! I feel as tired as the tone of this poem- without the last burst of energy that would be most welcome just about now! And that's after only two days back in the term-time routine! In need of some fallen peaches here, methinks! With cream cheese...

  5. I used to hate pears, now I love 'em. What a lovely juicy looking crop. I agree, it's a great photo. I like the ditty too. x

  6. Love this poem - so autumnal and atmospheric.

  7. Fabulous photo!

    Every time I visit your blog and see that Cherry and Sultana Cake my mouth waters ;-)


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