Friday, 27 January 2017

High Expectations

Since stating that I want to embrace art every day, I have hardly had the time or inclination to do it.  I have (had) extremely high expectations of myself and in my eyes often fall short. I  am often disappointed that I haven't achieved that which I set out to do.  Today I have inadvertently realised that this repeated pattern of behaviour where I habitually sabotage my character, has been detrimental to my son. He strives to be as perfect as he can be and if he ever does anything that is slightly off course he has painful internal turmoil. He too has high expectations of himself and of life.  I never knew just how influential my self sabotage was to other people around me.  I will think twice before I judge myself so harshly in future.

Back in the autumn I planted some bulbs.  I had 'high expectations' that I would have a carpet of snowdrops by early spring.  So far just a couple have popped up from beneath the soil.  I am so pleased that the bulbs didn't rot away with all the wet weather that we had and with lower expectations, will be happy to see any that thrive in the somewhat temperamental weather conditions.

Now that I am resolute in lowering my expectations of wanting to be the perfect role model having the perfect life (yes I know it doesn't exist in reality), I feel strangely liberated!  I will do what I can when I can and if I am unable to 'achieve' it the World will still turn!

Wishing you all a liberating weekend!


  1. Every little counts as they say Simone. If we accept ourselves "warts and all" and move forwards without aiming for the impossible we will all be happier and thus probably achieve more than we thought we were capable of. I like the quote by Ralf Waldo Emerson I came across a while back which says amongst other things we should "laugh often and leave the world a bit know even one life breathed easier because you have lived This is to have succeeded". Google Ralph Waldo Emerson + what is success for the full quotation.

  2. Simone I have just come across this in a magazine I was reading: "Blessed are the cracked (imperfect) for they let in the light" made me smile and of course it is true too!

  3. Thanks for your comments Jane. 'Blessed are the cracked' I think I will have to steal that quote for myself! x

  4. Well I'm glad you are at peace with yourself Simone....just be gentle on yourself.
    V x

  5. Yes, be gentle with yourself, Simone. Good for you, good for your son! xxx

  6. I read somewhere that perfection is overrated...made me smile and thought of you! xx

  7. Dear Simone, you need to treat yourself better, and don't consider yourself as someone who falls short. I think you are on the right track now. A strategy that works for me is to end each day by summing up all the good things of that day -- and nothing is too small to count :-)

  8. Good for you Simone. Have a great weekend:)

  9. It's a very liberating day when we stop putting these expectations on our lives.
    Lisa x

  10. Here's another quote for you, Simone "Have no fear of perfection -- you'll never reach it". That's by Salvador Dali and I love it.

    Your little snowdrop is so pretty. I planted them in my old garden and I think I only ever got one flower, but I chose a terrible location. Maybe someday I'll try planting them again and find the perfect spot. They are so gorgeous.


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