Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Be Your Own Guru

I have spent years searching for someone to look up to, to inspire me and teach me.  When I left primary school back in the early 1970's my form tutor wrote down a  personal message for each individual child to read and live their life by.  To me he wrote and said 'seek and you shall find'. 

A lifelong quest, I have been searching for my life purpose ever since keeping an eye out for people to guide me who I aspire to be like.  I have been slow to realise that many of the things I seek are within me.  I don't need to go on a journey looking for outside mentors.  I am my own mentor.

Many of us think we are not good enough or other people are better or more worthy of praise and adulation.  Why do we put these self imposed restrictions on our thoughts?  I think we have been conditioned by society to be self-effacing.  In addition I am born of a time when children were to be seen and not heard. 

I no longer feel the need to find a person to stand on a pedestal.  I am my own guru and will learn from my own life experiences and be guided by them.


  1. It is interesting that you have been seeking and have now found what you have been looking for. Everyone can find themselves by looking deep into themselves - it just takes time to get to know yourself and acknowledge your worth and your differences. I love reading other people's blogs as it is a chance to see behind the person, their likes and dislikes, attitudes and personality in essence what makes them tick and the fact that even though there might be very big differences you can still be a blog friend.x

    1. Hi Vivien. Sorry I've not been to your blog recently. I have been quite lax in visiting and commenting on blogs. There is not enough hours in the day to cover everything I want to do. I wouldn't say I have found what I am looking for, I have just stopped seeking for now. x

  2. Good for you Simone, you are your own guru!!

  3. You have been soul searching Simone and I'm glad you have reached a place of understanding. I know what you mean about those childhood rules and restrictions staying with you through life. 'Don't push forward, always stand back, don't attract attention to yourself or cause a fuss' and etc. I love your little drawing:)

    1. Thanks for your comments Rosie. I didn't have a picture for this post so I went through one of my notebooks and found a picture I did of a confident, nonchalant perhaps? girl, and felt that she fitted the bill nicely. x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Beautifully put, Simone. Ultimately we all need to seek meaning from the inside, not outside.

    1. Thank you Anne! Lovely to hear from you. :)

  6. Wise words Simone. Hope you are well :) x


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