Monday, 7 October 2019


There is so much media coverage at the moment about climate change and the urgency to change our ways of life before humanity becomes extinct.  I've been thinking about this a lot recently and had some radical thoughts on the matter, one of which is - what if this is our destiny?  What if we are meant to self destruct?  Nothing lasts forever.  It is a depressing thought but maybe the destruction of the planet will serve as a lesson to other future beings - if they ever exist.

Insightful people ask 'why am I here?'  The answer may be - it doesn't matter.  Find a reason for being here.  If your purpose is to save the planet then go do that.  Just know that the earth and all it contains is ephemeral and extinction is its ultimate destiny even if we can delay the outcome.


  1. Like you I have given this a lot of thought and have not come up with any definite opinions. I don't think that anything wee do as individuals really makes a massive difference when coal is still being mined, fracking taking place, oil being drilled, roads and unways being built and planes and cars filling the atmosphere wtih CO2 and so on and whilst other countries who have just reached the stage of having all the things we have taken for granted for years are now doing what we have done and are not willing to continue living in the dark ages now they have the wherewithal to do/have what we did and had. Why should they? I think the hardest thing for me is seeing the great loss of wildlife and the destruction of the beautiful earth all in the name of progress and knowing that there is nothing I can do to prevent the onward roll of destuction or at least not by myself. Unless we all and that means ALL mankind both rich and poor do what is needed I wonder if we are on an unstoppable journey towards extinction. Of course there have been 5 great extinctions before and still the Earth survived and regenerated in a different form so as you say maybe this is the ultimate destiny but we shan't be here to witness that. Might not be a bad thing when one looks at the way the world is currently going!! I don't think and I do hope that the Earth will continue even without us and who knows maybe the better for that.

  2. Hi Jane! Lovely to hear from you! I think lots of people are doing 'their bit' for the environment and individually we do what we can. It saddens me that biodiversity is being lost and I am an advocate for saving natural habitats where possible. Robots will probably end it all for us humans and the delicate ecosystems will regenerate without the interference of man(as in mankind). I don't think that protesting - peaceful or otherwise will prevent the inevitable from happening and believe that we should live our lives as best we can.

  3. What a subject, one is loathe to give an opinion for fear of offending those climate change protesters etc but like you I question things. I didn't see any cars of planes when the dinosaurs were around and what about the ice age. I cannot worry about these things I'm sure humans will adapt to anything that happens in the future but like Marigold I really mourn the loss of the wildlife as I am old enough to remember lots of it that has disappeared.

    1. Hi Briony, I was in two minds whether or not to publish this post but felt the need to share my opinion. I know that certain species of wildlife have disappeared in my lifetime too. On the positive side, there are many species yet to be discovered (especially insects). The countryside looked much different when I was growing up, I remember all the hedgerows. A lot of the land is given up to mono-culture and intensive farming now. Insecticides are killing the bees etc., I do lament that things are not as they were but ultimately feel that those at the top of the food chain(us humans) will inevitably destroy that which has sustained us.

  4. Well I believe evolution is constant and things naturally change but there is no doubt we are destroying our world at an awful rate and if we can, then we should, do our best to help save it!

    1. Hi Vivienne, I agree we should do our best to help save it. x

  5. Hi Simone - I can understand your train of thought - it is hard to know where we are headed but we are travelling now at an alarming rate. I once read a book back in the 80's - I can't remember the name of it now but it tells how the earth keeps a more or less constant level of oxygen around 20% I think - if something were to threaten this one idea in the book was that the earth will always try to save itself and irradicate the threat; possibly by spontaneously growing some kind of spreading weed that will take over the earth's surface killing everything in its path but saving itself to regenerate again - a chilling thought.
    We are only stewards of the earth we should be protecting it for future generations rather than being intent on destroying it. The problem is no-one really wants to give up the life we have all made for ourselves and limit the choices we now have. We could all do our bit though -buy locally made food to avoid long transportation, live and work in the same area, use solar energy - the list is endless but it would all make a big difference. x

    1. Nice to have your input Vivien! I think many of us are aware about things we can do to limit out impact on the environment. When I was doing an O.U course on the environment many years ago we were told to 'think global, act local' and I have tried to do so ever since. x

  6. It is so complex an issue and what I know is infintesimal in the scheme of things. I do try to tread gently in my own way in my own environment by reducing waste, use of plastic and etc. I think the destruction of wildlife habitats like moorlands, forests and woodlands and the pollution in the oceans worries me most as that is happening now. I like your words to Viviene's comment 'think global, act local' which is what I try to do:)

    1. Hi Rosie! I was concerned about putting out my thoughts on a current and sensitive subject, however judging by the quick responses this post has got shows that it's something people feel strongly about. Interestingly I was listening to LBC radio yesterday evening and a listener phoned in and said that when he organises volunteers to clear up pollution by litter picking on beaches, hardly any young people turn up to help. It seems to me that although some young people are quick to vocalise their concerns regarding the environment, fewer put their beliefs into practical action. x


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