Monday 9 December 2019


I'm in a quiet mood right now.  I have to face a fear on Wednesday and I am trying to calm myself and prepare mentally.  It involves a trip to the dentist.

I had a lone walk about today.  The air was fresh but it was quite mild.  I like how this unplanned photo turned out with the silhouette of Forty Hall and the lake and the old cedar tree to the left of the picture.  The late afternoon sun is reflected on the water.


  1. Nothing much I fear more than being at the dentist. I'll keep you in my thoughts Wednesday.
    Soon, very soon the solstice brings its promise of light. But as your beautifully expressive photo attests, there's much to enjoy in the coming darkness. Have a good week my friend.

    1. Thank you Sharon. I hope you have a good week too.

  2. Such a beautiful image!
    Best wishes for Wednesday, I'm not going to patronise you with platitudes Simone, we all have our fears, however by Thursday it will be done.

    1. Thanks Vivienne. By Thursday I will have something different to worry about!

  3. Your photo is lovely, very atmospheric. Sending good wishes your way for Wednesday, I hope all will be well. Take carex

    1. I am sure it will be fine. Thank you for your good wishes Rosie.

  4. Beautiful calm picture - capture it in your memory to take with you to the dentist. I am just the same - hope all goes well.

  5. I am sorry to be late to this but I had my own fear to face today. Be well and stay smiley.

    1. Thanks Toffeeapple. I faced my fear (had a huge molar removed) and feel so much better for it. I hope that your fear wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. x


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