Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Painting Paper

I've wasted an awful lot of January so far.  When I finally have time for 'creativity' I am either too tired or not in the mood.  I got up at 6.30 this morning and it took until 10.00am  before I could finally set aside time to paint some papers for a project I want to do.   I spent about one hour on this from preparation to clear up and then the guilt set in.  I have a pile of ironing yet to do and I never catch up with household chores.  Nothing ever seems to get completed.  I am frustrated to say the least.

Anyway.  I will continue to set aside time for 'wasteful' activities because I need time away from the monotonous and mundane life I am currently living.  I need to experiment and practise with different paints and paper if I am ever to progress in the field of art and craft.  I will find a way to slot it into my daily activities and just accept that I am going to feel guilty. 


  1. You shouldn't feel guilty Simone because something that is fulfilling you is definitely not a 'wasteful activity'!!

    1. Can't say it fulfills me yet Vivienne but I am working towards it! x

  2. Creativity is never a wasteful activity! I love your colors and I love even more that you take the time to do that! Each creative step can lead to another one and you never know where they will lead you!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Bonnie. I appreciate your input. :)

  3. I feel as if I've wasted time too and have been neglectful of all but the most basic houshold tasks but I'm not being as creative with the time as you are and what you are doing is a positive move towards your final goal:)

    1. I'm not even sure there is a final goal Rosie! I spend so much time procrastinating about everything that I achieve very little. Hopefully my mindset will improve as we head towards the spring and the longer days. :)

  4. Dear Simone, enjoy the creative process, no matter what.


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