Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Cat Bite


Feeling very sorry for myself just now.  Last week Gizmo attacked me and sunk his teeth into my arm.  It is getting better now but still painful around the area.  I have been feeling low for a while.  Not had a holiday for over a decade and 'fun' has been in short supply.

I was thrilled when my son booked a day off work to spend a day out with me.  I said I would like to do something cultural so we had planned a day in London going to the National Gallery at Trafalgar Square and then going to a nice cafe for lunch.  Almost as soon as the day was planned I got sick with flu like symptoms and spent most of the day in a dressing gown sleeping it off.  I rarely get ill so this was a shock to me.

The body aches are subsiding but I am left with a chesty cough, sore throat and watery eyes. I dream of a day where things go to plan.  I know that it is not the end of the world because I didn't get to enjoy a day out and hopefully we can do it another day in the future.


  1. Ouch that looks nasty. Poor you Simone. I do hope you fell better very soon and can go and enjoy a day with your son doing something you enjoy x

    1. Thanks Beverley. It was just a case of one bad thing after the other recently. I am feeling better today. x

  2. Ouch .... and sorry you've been poorly but your day out is still ahead of you, so enjoy planning it.

  3. Naughty Gizmo. The bite looks very nasty I hope it heals soon. Assume your doctor gave you a tetanus jab. I had to have one when a cat bit me (not ours but one from across the road) as I tried to lift it gently out of our house after it came in when we left the door open. What a shame you felt ill just as you had arranged a lovely day out, I hope you can rearrange the visit soon and also that you feel better now. Take care:)

    1. I went to the pharmacy Rosie and asked if I could have the advice of the pharmacist. The assistant said she could help me and advised I put TCP on it and keep an eye on it. I didn't even bother to arrange to see a GP as it is complicated! I was extra disappointed about the day out as it has been so long since I have done anything pleasurable. The only outings I have are every 3 month dates with the dentist! x

    2. My bite was in the soft tissue between finger and thumb and my hand became swollen so we rang the surgery - this was way before covid and all the communication problems of today. A nurse rang me back and asked me to go to the surgery for the injection which I had the same day. I don't expect that would happen so quickly now. Take care:)

  4. So sorry to hear about your cat bite and your flu. Not so fun. I hope you are feeling much better and that you have another day out planned to make up for the one you missed.

    Whenever I get sick or injure myself I take it as a sign that my body is telling me something needs to change, that I need a rest or need to take better care of myself. Even if that's not the case for you, I hope you ARE taking good care of yourself. Getting plenty of rest and doing things to lift you up!

    1. Thanks Anne. After this all happened, I fell down the stairs on Sunday, hit my chin, bruised my legs and threw a good cup of coffee and two jammy croissants up in to the air! I remain in the search to find uplifting things! :)


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