Sunday, 2 September 2012

A Tome for Life

I have been berating myself for such a long time now for not meeting certain expectations.  I am, in fact, my own worse enemy. 

I don’t seem able to have structure to my life and I have recently been thinking about what I can do to change things. Then, an idea came to me.

Simone’s Daily Bible
A Tome for Life

The term ‘bible’ in this case is used in the sense of being an essential book and not in the religious sense.  It will be a book I refer to each morning and throughout the day.  It will include a list of all the things I enjoy to do as I listed on a previous post, and each day I will endeavour to do at least one or two of the things on the list. 

The tome will include inspirational quotes and sayings, my favourite and well used recipes, images that make me smile, snippets of information etc;

Many years ago I bought some scrapbooks. Large 12 x 12 books with plastic insert sheets to add scrapbook pages to.  I never used them as intended with family photos and they have remained untouched.  I also bought a large quantity of scrapbook paper and stickers.  Now they have a purpose in my tome for life!

If nothing becomes of my life at least I would have left behind ‘my book’.  My son will be able to use my recipes and maybe make use of the information contained within.

I am itching to get started.  Maybe I have inspired you to start your own ‘Tome for Life’.  What sort of things would you include in yours?


  1. Sounds like a good idea but don't let it become another chore will you?! I had an idea to do a sort of blog for myself in a scrapbook and thought I'd include photos, cuttings which appealed to me, the little feathers or bits I might pick up alkong the way which I thought were pretty, ideas for crafts and scraps of fabric - on second thoughts maybe it would end up as s sort of Steptoe's yeard in book form so perhaps it is as well I never actually got started on it!! Enjoy life and enjoy putting your life in your book.

  2. Something already has become of your life Simone, you are a wife and mother both something to be very proud of!!
    I think you 'bible' sounds like a great idea but keep it fun!
    Vivienne x

  3. Love the new look of your blog, Simone!

    I like the idea of having THE BOOK to refer to each and every day.

    And those jam splats look so good! I've never tried making cookies like that, but I've always wanted to. So satisfying that you used your own jam, too.

    I can totally relate to the wanting to do more than I ever actually get around to and feeling a lack of structure. It's a constant struggle, but I think if we let go a bit and be easier on ourselves we'd feel better.

  4. It sounds like a great idea, Simone! You are very hard on yourself though, so just enjoy the project and only do it if you feel like doing it! I hope you have a happy week, and enjoy the creating of your new tome :)
    Helen x

  5. It sounds like a good idea, Simone. I'm not sure what I would put in mine if I had one, recipes, quotes and books read/want to read, places visited and dates, records of visits to friends and etc. Hope you enjoy putting it all together:)

  6. Keep a record of all the things you've done and made that you're most proud of. There must be loads of them contained in this blog alone. And then ideas for future projects that build on what you've already achieved.

  7. what a lovely idea, I like Rosies ideas of what she would do in hers, not too different from yours really. xxx

  8. I meant to come back and write this comment a few days ago but have been busy as ever - I am very impressed by your new blog and your idea for the new book. I too am in the place of struggling to gain some structure to my life and feel in control of where it is going.

    I have bits and pieces I have collected in all sorts of places - in Garden notebooks, art notebooks, my Filofax and even my shopping notebook but I think most of my thoughts, inspirational snippets, poems, ideas and pictures are contained in my 'daily' journal (I use that term very loosely!) but your idea has inspired me to pay more attention to really trying to journal each day - since I began my blog I have let it slip. I find it is quite enlightening to look back over these books and re-read them occasionally and as Oscar Wilde said -
    "I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train" -
    although mine is rarely sensational more enlightening and it can often be helpful to see what in your life has improved and what may have stayed exactly the same despite trying hard to bring about some change. I am sure you are going to have a lot of pleasure in creating your tome and looking back through it. Viv


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