Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The Best Banana Cake

In my opinion this is the best banana cake you will ever make!  I have tried all kinds of banana cake/bread recipes over the years.  Sometimes they are rubbery in texture, or too crumbly or too damp.  This one is just right.  Delicious eaten warm from the oven;  it tastes even better a day or two after baking.

The Best Banana Cake (the rubbing in method)

250g white self-raising flour
A pinch of salt
1 tsp grated nutmeg
100g unsalted butter
125g light soft brown sugar
100g raisins
2 large ripe bananas
1 egg
Demerara sugar for sprinkling

Pre-heat the oven to 180C/gas mark 4.  Grease and line a large loaf pan with greaseproof paper or baking parchment.

Sift together the flour, salt and nutmeg into a large bowl. Cut the butter into small pieces and rub into the flour mixture until it resembles breadcrumbs.  Mix in the soft brown sugar and raisins.

In a separate bowl mash the bananas and mix with a beaten egg.  Add the banana mix to the flour/butter mixture and beat together with a wooden spoon until combined.

Spoon mixture into loaf pan and sprinkle over * demerara sugar.  Bake for about 50 minutes until cooked through.  Leave in the pan until cool.

*Do not omit the demerara sugar.  It adds a lovely crunch to the finished cake.


  1. Your cake looks and I'm sure it tastes delicious. I'm printing the recipe to try it very soon, I never really much liked banana flavoured food but have baked banana cakes once or twice now and I'm getting to love it especially for breakfast.

  2. Mmmmm, thanks for sharing Simone.
    Straight from the oven with a cup of tea, that does sound good! :)
    Vivienne x

  3. I'm just back from my lunch break and in a desperate need for a dessert..this is just perfect and absolutely low-calorie, LOL!
    I need to wipe off the drool from my keyboard now!

  4. Yummy. Like you, I've had mixed results with banana cake in the past.

  5. looks delicious, I have not made banana loaf for ages!

  6. Looks deliscious - I doubt if I could keep it 2 or 3 days!

  7. Mmm ... looks delicious and I have some bananas developing little black spots in my fruit bowl - I think your recipe is just the way to use them:)

  8. Dear Simone,

    Thank you so much for this banana cake recipe. Being a fan of banana cakes I will be trying this one out and thinking of your whilst baking it.

    I feel sorry I missed the last few posts. Please know Simone that you are not alone.


  9. Delicious! I love banana cake:) Thank you for sharing this lovely recipe, Simone.
    Helen x

  10. I just made this cake - amazing - thank you


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