Saturday, 29 March 2014

Theme Park for Wildlife

Much of the garden has fell into rack and ruin over the past 6 months or so.  The incessant wind and rain felled trees and shrubs, fences were broken and I left nature to her own devices.  It is now time to claim back a bit of order and get the garden ship shape again.

To be honest, I am not looking forward to it at all.  I still feel in hibernation mode and there is so much that needs sorting out inside the house as well as outside.  I don't really feel up to the challenge.  Part of me feels like handing it over to the wildlife that seem to relish in its theme park qualities.  There are felled branches to hide under, a disused eglu to shelter inside, an empty chicken run to climb over etc;

I feel lethargic even contemplating the tasks to be done.  The green house hasn't even been cleaned out yet and I haven't sown a single seed.  Do you think I will ever be able to catch up?  In addition to this I am awaiting an order of some scented leaf perlagoniums.  They will need potting up straight away.  Maybe their arrival will be the incentive I need to crack on.

It is sunny today so I will go outside and survey what needs to be done.  I think I will be making a very long list, but first I need a restorative mug of coffee and to contemplate for just a bit longer..............


  1. Start with something simple to get you back in the swing of it. Seed sowing works for me. Or pot up a plant or two. Does something need a light haircut? Give yourself one hour. i bet it ends up being longer..

  2. Awe what a lovely photo.....I do love foxes!!
    Can I suggest that you don't make your list too long as that is sure to put you off! Divide your garden into sections and work on one bit at a time. If you expecting plants then concentrate on your greenhouse at the moment, get it ready and you are still in time to plant seeds. When that's done move on to another section. Don't overwhelm your self.
    Enjoy that sunshine, it's missing here this morning,
    V xxx

  3. I wouldn't worry Simone - lots of good weather gardeners like me don't start gardening until Easter! And there's always tons of plantlings around then if you are not to date up with the sowing. I've only just finished clearing last years fallen leaves. One job at a time I say. x

  4. Perhaps the scented pelargoniums will get you started! I know what you mean about not having the incentive to start anything, I feel exactly the same. We did manage to mow the grass and that made the garden look a bit tidier - just as long as you don't look too closely at the flower beds which are full of weeds:)

  5. a cup of coffee ..... or two!!:0) I know how you feel xx

  6. Despite your "neglect" it looks as if your garden is happily blooming. Please do begin the process of reclaiming the space by choosing one job each day that you can easily finish. Before you know it the chore will become a joy. Scented geraniums are some of my favorites! Lucky you.

  7. I think dividing jobs into small bite sized pieces is the way to go when there seems to be so much that needs doing.
    I love the photo of your visitor.
    Lisa x

  8. It's never too late to sow seeds, remember how cold last spring was?
    I've only just sown my first seeds x


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