Sunday, 18 January 2015

New Skill - Machine Sewing

I am not a fan of machine sewing.  Never really understood about loading and threading the bobbin and the mystery of the different types of sewing 'feet'.  Saying that, I have accumulated a few sewing machines over the years hoping that each one would lead to a new found love.

Anyway, an opportunity arose this week which was to attend free local sewing classes provided by our residents priority fund.   Here was a chance to make something and take the evidence home.  Literally a five minute walk from where I live I would have been a fool not to embrace the challenge.

After a morning's worth of guided tuition I sprung home with a pair of pyjama bottoms.  Who knew that sewing in elastic wasn't so difficult after all.  I look forward to another sewing class next month.  Could I have eventually caught the sewing bug?  That remains to be seen. :-)


  1. Oh I do hope you keep at it, Simone. Sewing by machine can be so rewarding and there is no end to what you can imagine while piloting a good sewing machine.
    Cute jammies. Might I tease… is there going to be a top to go with them???

  2. Well done Simone, the ability to sew is an enormous advantage. I used to make most of the clothes for my family and myself, saved a lot of money too.

  3. Good for you Simone, your pyjama bottoms look great, I'm glad you enjoyed the experience and want to go back for more!
    V x

  4. How wonderful to have lessons so close by. If I lived there I would go with you! I'm not that great at practical sewing and would love to learn.
    Looking forward to seeing your next project! xx

  5. Great to have the lessons close by and you came home with a lovely completed project too:)

  6. Hooray for positive pants,
    A triumphant sewing skill,
    Wear them when you're dancing
    And also when you're ill!

    Hooray for positive pants,
    With a stretchy waist line,
    I love the flower print,
    If only they were mine!

    As you can tell I prefer them to negative knickers!

  7. So far I haven't caught the sewing bug. I make attempts at patchwork quilts and the like but I still prefer hand sewing or knitting/crochet. Your pyjama bottoms look great.

  8. The pyjama bottoms looks great Simone, what are you going to make next.........
    Julie xxxxxx

  9. Oooh, hooray for you, Simone! It's funny because pajama pants are on the top of my sewing list right now, not that I should be sewing as I have oodles of other projects that need attention first. But you're making me want to get sewing again!

    Hope you make lots more lovely stuff. Really, it's not too hard and even knowing very little you can do a lot.

  10. Keep at it Simone - its such a satisfying occupation. Love those pants!

  11. How did I miss this post?
    Your PJ bottoms are fab, such a sweet pattern.
    Lisa x


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