Wednesday, 18 February 2015

More Hand Made Sticky Labels

Other than make pancakes, I have not had the opportunity to do anything creative for the last couple of days.  The stickers pictured above were made the same time as my cute people stickers shown previously.  I just don't know what project to do next!  I've not made any jewellery in a while so perhaps I'll do that, or 'play' with paper or make stickers again?  I wish I could be content to be a knitter or a painter or embroiderer or just focus on one type of media - but I want to do it all and have tried many creative pursuits including silk painting, Fimo modelling, encaustic art, cross-stitch, rug making, knitting, crochet, bead weaving, willow weaving etc.

I was watching a reality show on television the other day (Little People, Big World) and the person in it said that projects are what keeps him alive and gives him a reason to get up in the morning.  I feel pretty much the same way and am really tetchy if I don't get a chance to be creative each day.  I NEED to create - I know that now.

The sun is out this morning.  I think I'll go out for a brisk walk and put on my thinking cap for ways of how to use my time wisely today.  I can't let another day pass me by without having something to show for it!


  1. Deliberate,
    then create!

    I call it Obsessive Crafty Disorder. I think it's contagious so keep up the good work.

  2. Your stickers really are great Simone, you do create lovely little characters!
    Hope you find some time today to make, I agree it's very important!
    V x

  3. Happy to see the sun is shining within you as well as without.
    Hope your day brought you joy.

  4. Lovely little stickers, very cute and colourful I hope you keep up the crafting, Simone. Wishing you a happy weekend!
    Helen xox

  5. I know just what you mean, Simone! And why limit yourself? There are so many wonderful things to do and try in this world. If there's one you feel drawn to more than the others you'll do that. If there are other things drawing you, too, why not listen? Unless there's one thing you want to do more than all the others, doing many things is good. The most important thing is to DO something, whatever it may be. AND to enjoy the process.

    Wishing you creativity and joy in whatever it is that you try next!


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