Friday 5 October 2018

More Sorting and Destashing

I freed up two more containers today by getting rid of some yarn and incomplete crochet and knitting projects.

There was over 30 orange and yellow crochet squares that were going to be my son's cot blanket.  I never did get to stitch them together - he is 20 now!!!  In addition to this I had started about four crochet blankets, a couple of scarves and other random projects that were incomplete.

Feeling pleased at having the will to give up over 20 years of projects ( if I haven't finished them as of now I never will) I trundled off to the town centre to hand them into a charity shop.  I explained that as well as various yarn I had a number of incomplete projects in the bags.  Three of the shops weren't interested.  I felt quite embarrassed as they told me they wouldn't accept unfinished items.  They said however they would take the yarn. I told them that I would only give the yarn to a shop that accepted the whole bundle!  I felt quite stroppy and nearly suggested that they finish up the projects rather than huddle around the till gossiping together!  Don't you think that a lot of charities seem so uncharitable nowadays?

Eventually I found a shop that was happy to take my donation.  I hope they are true to their word and will see that it is put to good use and that it doesn't end up in land fill. They did tell me that they have a lady that comes to the shop who buys up unfinished items and wool.  I hope they were not just humouring me.

Unburdened of these woolly items (and a little sad to let them go) I now have an accessible space to use for my papercrafting tools.


  1. Well done Simone and I'm sure the shop will be true to its word!!

  2. Thanks Vivienne! It was hard to let my 'old friends' go but I feel lighter for doing so. x

  3. Gone are the days of calm charity shops with a couple of interested and dedicated ladies in charge. The last one we went in had loud music blaring out and the young man in there was singing to the music. Someone asked him why they had music and he said it was charity policy to have their own radio advertising switched on all the time! I took quite a lot of unfinished items and balls of wool to a charity shop a few years ago which they did accept. I always wonder what really happens to things though. Have a lovely weekend:)

    1. Hi Rosie! Charities are run as businesses now aren't they? I've really been going off them in recent years. I used to support a local charity but when I saw how many paid directors they had at the top, it made me question if I really wanted to pay their salaries. Hope your weekend stays bright and dry! :)

  4. Hi, Simone. So glad to know you're finding joy in the de-stashing. It's so much work to go through all of our precious supplies and projects. It's been a few years since I've gone through my "stuff". That project took much more time than I had imagined it would, but in the end it was so satisfying to have a clean and organized space! The things that aren't on the top of my to-make list have all ended up in a closet in my studio. It's handy to be able to shut the door and forget about it, but also a pain when I need to get in there to look for something specific. Someday I'll sort through it all again.

    Good luck with continuing tidying up!

    1. Thanks Anne! I am sure it will be worth it once it is done! Hope you are enjoying the weekend. :)

  5. Sounds like you're doing weakness is fabric! I've managed to sell a few bits on ebay but it's slow going. I wonder if its really about not wanting to let go of the past, just wish there was a cure! xx

  6. Hi Ethel! I think, in my case, it is a little bit like not wanting to let go of the past. You should see the size of my 'memory' box too!!! :) x

  7. There are always surprises with cleaning out your work space. Some are lovely, like finding treasures you'd forgotten you had. Like finding new enthusiasm for ideas you once entertained but for some reason were distracted from by daily living. Yes, it's hard to let go of the unfinished things which still represent hours of time not to mention good money spent. Finding a new home for your yarn projects, though difficult, was the best thing you could have done with them. You most likely made the yarn lady's day to find such a treasure at the resale shop. The added bonus, you have cleared your work space , yes, but now have a new clarity of mind and purpose as well. Your clean space will be a pleasure in the long winter months ahead. You'll be more prolific in your creating and we'll benefit by seeing all the wonderful things you create. There's always the memories we have associated with unfinished projects... our youth, our children's youth, a past life that we feel nostalgic about but can never reclaim. Take heart that you've grown, you've let light into the darkness. Congratulations and best wishes, brave girl.

  8. Thank you Sharon. Your thoughtful and wise words always touch me.

  9. Well done, concentrate on what gives you the most pleasure.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Toffeeapple! :)

  10. Hi Simone - just catching up on your posts - what a dilema with all the craft stuff filling your workspace. I think you are right though to offload some projects - if charities won't take them then try a local church there is often a group of women who do craft things for coffee mornings etc who would be willing to finish them off. It is a bit like having a load of unfinished DIY jobs in the house.
    I had a similar problem recently and bought some of those large ziplock bags and put an unfinished project into each bag so I can work my way through them. You could also use them to contain some of your papers so you keep like with like.
    I would be tempted to completely clear your worksapce first by getting some cardboard boxes to put everything into temporarily to clear the room and then only put back the items bit by bit that are useful for the project you are going to work on first.
    At least you have made a good start and that will help you to get started on the project you want to work on and not feel bad about the unfinished ones.

    1. Hi Vivian! I do use ziplock bags to store a lot of my craft paper as I showed on a recent post - however I have sooooo much paper - literally boxes and boxes! The job is definitely a marathon and not a sprint and I am trying to do it mindfully without making any rash decisions. I decided on the 'Really Useful' boxes for storage so that at least my 'stuff' can look presentable before I decide what to do with it - working through a box at a time. :)

  11. Well done! I'm sure they were being honest with you. If they didn't want it they wouldn't take it as they have to dispose of it otherwise.
    Lisa x


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