Tuesday 9 June 2020

The Days are Full

The days are long but full right now.  I have adjusted to this new way of life.  Yesterday I had to go to the Post Office - the first time since early March.  I joined the socially distanced queue that went outside the shop and down the street and was number eleven.  Some people wore masks, some gloves and everybody stayed 2 metres apart.  It was a very strange experience like being in a dream.  After about 45 minutes I reached the counter.

My days are filled with cooking, gardening, planning shopping, painting and domestic chores.  It feels a little bit like being on a treadmill.  Gizmo is unfazed by it all and spends most of his time dreaming in the shrubbery.


  1. Gardening will keep you busy but is also rewarding. I enjoy seeing your artwork when you post it. Gizmo is a beautiful cat!

    1. Gardening is rewarding Bonnie but I have lost a few veg to pests! :)

  2. I know what you mean by being in a dream. I must say I quite like the orderly queueing and the space when you get into the shop, better than all barging about. lol
    Gizmo is beautiful, I don't think I've seen him before, I love ginger cats my Kitty was ginger and white and almost human, well, as human as a cat ever gets, lol

    1. I used to mention Gizmo quite a lot on here Briony and the scrapes he got into and the vets bills! I like orderly queuing but I miss having a browse around the shops. x

  3. My days are too filled with things to do. It is a dream and we'll all wake soon to the hustle and bustle but at the moment it is lovely and peaceful.
    Gizmo has certainly founds things to do!

    Julie xxxxxxx

  4. My days are pretty busy too, although it's definitely a cats life!!!

  5. Oh, lovely Gizmo he is such a beautiful colour. It's good that your days are busy and full. I dread having to go out to shops, banks or post offices again but I must do it soon or I will forget how to do it. Everything does have a dreamlike quality at the moment:)

    1. I miss popping to the shops. Nowadays it has to be a regimented outing where I have to remember to wear my gloves and take my sanitiser gel! I need to go to the bank but have avoided doing that so far - not even sure if they are open! :)


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