Monday, 1 September 2008

September by John Updike

"The breezes taste
Of apple peel.
The air is full
Of smells to feel-
Ripe fruit, old footballs,
Burning brush,
New books, erasers,
Chalk, and such.
The bee, his hive,
Well-honeyed hum,
And Mother cuts
Like plates washed clean
With suds, the days
Are polished with
A morning haze."


  1. What lovely verse. I did pop over this morning and spotted the photo of the Ginger Boy. What a lovely spot, he has found some sun? and has his own parasol! x

  2. Did you compose the poem yourself? Poetry was a thing I was completely useless at when I was at school. I have little appreciation of it, although your poem is lovely.

    Julia x

    PS. Did you receive an email from me yesterday? I had an error message pop up when I sent it, although that happened once before and you did still receive the email??

  3. September, it's here already - how did that happen. I am always feeling excited at the start of Autumn and a little bit sad that summer (!!!) is over

  4. I can't believe it's september already - it doesn't seem like 2 minutes since it was Christmas!!
    lisa x
    p.s I always get an undeliverable message when I post on your blog but the post is always there when i check

  5. What a lovely poem...
    Thanks for your lovely comment!
    You are right I will miss my 3 little ones... I`m missing them already!
    Debbie Moss

  6. A beautiful photo accompanied with one of my favorite verses! Thanks for sharing

  7. A very lovely poem, thank you for posting it.

  8. Great poem! I smiled at the shared memories - I remember when all the gardens and allotments round us had chrysanthemums - people were so proud of them - and I associate them with returning to school:)

  9. That was lovely! It cheered up a rainy September day and helped me remember that despite our lack of summer there are good things to be had in autumn.

  10. A lovey verse Simone....takes me back to that 'new term at school feeling'...I love September.
    Carol xx

  11. waaahhhhh!!!! I am NOT READY for Autumn!

    Every year I spend September clinging to summer still, telling myself its not actually autumn till october arrives. So there, despite the rain and cold (I've got my slippers on) it's STILL LATE SUMMER here, ok?



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