Friday, 24 February 2012

A Good Feeling

I woke up to this glorious peach melba coloured sunrise beyond the telephone wires!  How could I not feel good about the beginning of the day?  I have been feeling uplifted after watching a You Tube video yesterday over at Karen's blog.  It is an inspirational TEDtalk video by Louie Schwatzberg on gratitude.  I think if you watch it you will gain a sense of wonderment from the nature and people around us.  The time lapse photography is a thing of beauty and the comments from the elderly man are wise words indeed.


  1. That is a beautiful sunrise Simone.
    I think this week we can feel the change in the seasons and that definitely creates a feel-good effect.
    Happy weekend,
    Vivienne x

  2. The world is a beautiful place Simone! I've just been down my new allotment, I'm as stiff as a post now argh!!! Have a great weekend!

  3. What a lovely sky .... a good day has to follow something as beautiful as that!

  4. Such a glorious sky! The colours in it are amazing. What a wonderful start to the day:)

  5. How lovely to see a sky that colour. Someone said recently that your day will go as the corners of your mouth do...

  6. Lovely colour's, ave a great weekend.

  7. I watched it too Simone isn't Nature a wonderful thing?

  8. Lovely. If you'd looked minutes before or minutes after that you would have missed it.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Wonderful shot!
    Thank you for your always kind comment on my blog :)

  10. thank you for sharing this magnificent sunrise with us. i must go and look at the video you speak of.

    hugs x


  11. What a beautiful sky, Simone, and wonderful photo. I'm glad you feel uplifted this weekend, there is a great feel good factor here too thanks to the coming of spring and general lightness, brightness and new growth.
    Wishing you a very happy week ahead.
    Helen x

  12. A glorious photo, Simone, and yes, I too watched that wonderful, soulful TED talk linked by Karen. It was a joy just to see this picture!

  13. What a wonderful uplifting sight that must have been in the flesh - makes you realise how awesome and wonderful this natural world of our is.


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