Tuesday, 1 May 2012


There have been many big changes around here in the last few months.  In my immediate World I have put on a significant amount of weight and am going to be embarking on a drastic lifestyle change.  Smaller changes that affect me and the rest of the UK are the huge increase in postage, the 'double dip' recession, the unrelenting rain, prices of everything going up and up and up.  Changes that affect Londoners are the ever increasing cost of the Olympic games to be held in London and the possibility of land to air missiles close to where I live.  I am really quite worried of the negative impact the Olympic games is going to have on London despite politicians telling us all to embrace this wonderful event.

As I sit and type this just before 4.00pm, it is raining bucket loads.  Only this morning the weather forecasters predicted a dry afternoon.  With all these 'happenings', I now know for certain that we are living in 'uncertain' times.

When the enormity of life takes its hold on me I turn to beauty and to nature.  The honeysuckle is just coming in to flower.  I look forward to its sweet scent over the coming weeks.


  1. Goodness are those missiles near you Simone, I heard about them on the news!!
    You do right to focus on nature and that beautiful flower, I'm sure the scent is wonderful. My honeysuckle are nowhere near coming out yet.
    Vivienne x

  2. nature is a wonderful healer

    your honeysuckle is beautiful!

    these are difficult times, we need to keep ourselves uplifted by looking around at all that is good in our day and to find time to do gentle and beautiful things. we cannot change anything with worry, but we can change how we feel by keeping a wakeful heart.

    warmest hugs xxx

  3. I'm sitting typing this listening to rain bucketing down too. Times do seem very hard at the moment ... what on earth happened to Spring? I feel very removed from the Olympics up here in the north I'm glad to say. I can't summon up any enthusiasm for the whole spectacle yet!
    I went on a lovely course for teachers last week about finding 'space' in our lives (especially for the children) and one of the thoughts was to find just one thing each day to make us stop to 'breath'. You've done that with your honeysuckle .... it's lovely!

  4. I was just reading about the missiles on rooftops, it makes you wonder whether the benefits of having the Olympic games here outweigh all the upset they cause and the expense!

    Wishing you all the best with your lifestyle change, I've always struggled with my weight but with determination you'll get there.

  5. Big Lifestyle changes here too! Not sure I like this path but it has happened so I hope my slow dragging feet dawdle gets to be a happy skip.
    Julie xxxxxxx

  6. Missiles?! I must check out the news, sounds pretty scary.
    Good luck with your new diet when you start. I am sat here stuffing chocolate so I should probably be thinking of something similar!
    Lisa x

  7. We are indeed living in uncertain times - I've felt uneasy about the way things are going for the last couple of years but this year in particular seem very strange indeed. We managed a dry walk this morning when they said it would rain and it poured buckets this afternoon when dry weather was predicted. Turning to life's simple beauty and looking for pleasure in small things does help. When it stops raining I'll pop out and see if our honeysuckle is starting to flower:)

  8. these are uncertain times...I remember the 70's...although as a child I did not have the worries of the adults I am sure it was bad. The rain is enough to drive anyone crazy and like Kathy I feel no enthusiasm for the Olympic game although the children at school seem to be.
    Not even a bud on our Honeysuckle!

  9. The moment that I heard that this country was to host those awful games I was dismayed. I truly do not see the point of them.

    As for your Honeysuckle, I envy you, mine is just now in full leaf and it will be a couple of weeks before flowering.

    Be at peace Simone. Hugs. xx

  10. When times get tough in the days ahead, take heart in knowing you are loved and cared about.
    Your honeysuckle is perfection. Enjoy.
    Love yourself while you go through this altered eating plan. We want you healthy and creating a long while yet.

  11. When Sydney hosted the Olympic it ended up being the best games ever, but now we live in different times.

  12. I guess no times are every certain, are they? We have to make our own certainties. Stay true to who we are deep inside. And find (and create) Joy where we can. Delighting in the beauty of the natural world is perfect. Your honeysuckle will be lovely fully in bloom and buzzing with bees.

    Sending hugs to you!

  13. Oh, Simone, I am sorry for all of your fears. I would be worried, too. The world is a scary place. My husband is always worried about our economy and then there are constant concerns about terrorists. I must admit I've put on some weight too recently and have been looking into a change of eating style. Take comfort in nature, my friend. We have much to be grateful for and many of our fears never become reality.

  14. Come North Simone. We still have the foul weather, but we don't have the mental Olympic attitude - although we all had to laugh at the signs on the M1 in SHeffield telling us to plan our journeys to take account of the Olympic events!! Ive just lost half a stone using Anna Richardsons Body Blitz diet - I found it really good and totally focus on what I can eat not what I can't. I'm also enjoying exercise for the first time ever too - I think its because I am seeing results. Good Luck xxxx

  15. Also - forgot to add that Ive been watching the TV series on the 1970's on Monday nights and we concluded that the only thing that has changed - is the music! xxxx


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