Saturday, 8 September 2012

Passing Season

Whilst walking around my garden on this crisp September morning, the remains of a dandelion seed head was a poignant reminder of the passing of the season.  It's seeds will be blown along by the wind and they will perish or germinate the following Spring depending on their fate.  Such a thing of beauty even during its demise.


  1. A dandelion seed head made me smile yesterday as I watched little Jessie chase it round the garden! :)
    Thank you so much Simone for your lovely birthday wishes!!
    Happy weekend,
    Vivienne x

  2. Such delicate beauty! Lovely photo, Simone:)

  3. Stunningly beautiful - even for a dandelion!

  4. It's so sad to look at flowers fading and everything turning into green in the garden :(
    Have a good Sunday, hope it's a sunny one!

  5. at least it is going out with a little sunshine Simone.

  6. They are very beautiful. I'd leave more of them to seed if it weren't for the weeding!

  7. Beautiful photo, Simone. I love the magical look of dandelion clocks! Wishing you a happy new week.
    Helen x

  8. Beautiful! I do love Dandelions.

  9. This is what I love about Autumn all the seed heads of Dandelions, Poppies, Honesty and the majestic Cow Parsley. You have captured it perfectly in your photo.


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