Saturday, 22 August 2015

Summer Nights

Just before dusk last night, I took this photo out in the garden.  A hot and sticky end to a hot and tiring sticky day.  As much as I have tried to embrace summer this year I really can't wait for it to be over.  I am jealous- yes jealous of people who manage to 'escape' their normal routine by going on holiday and doing 'fun' things.  A staycation means that I feel guilty doing 'nothing' and my husband sees it as a chance to catch up on boring but necessary D.I.Y around the home.  It has been like this for years.  The house is so full of tension you could almost pierce it with a knife and let the scream out.  Each year I tell my son 'it will be different next year' but it never is.  It just gets more intense.

Today is predicted to be another hot and humid day.  I think I just might dig myself a garden cave so I can hide away inside.


  1. Lovely photo of the evening sky. Couldn't you go off on your own or with a friend for a day's outing occasionally? There must be lots of interesting places you could go from where you live and still be back in time to get the tea!!! It might stop the tension building up and so be to everyone's benefit and you would have things to talk about when you got back. It hasn't been so humid nor hot here in the West Country - come down here for the day?!

  2. Oh dear, the humidity doesn't help when you are feeling frayed at the edges. Do take carexxx:)

  3. Beautiful photo. It's hot and sticky here too, makes me want to sit with my feet in a bowl of cool water and read a book xx

  4. Something about heat and humidity that intensifies any negatives going on in your life. Your photo once again is amazing. And as I know from my own experiences, photos can't quite capture the moment as your heart can. Keep looking up at that night sky for its balm and benediction and know there are lots of us who keep you in our good thoughts.

  5. I expect the humidity doesn't help the tension, you should visit N.I., I can guarantee zero humidity!
    Seriously though you should try and get away for some day trips Simone.
    V x

  6. Sending you hugs, Simone. So sad to know you're having a hard time savoring the days. I hope you can find ways to enjoy your time and do what brings you joy.

    Your sky looks beautiful.

  7. Wish I could whisk you over the ocean for a visit here!! Wouldn't that be fun? Your husband sounds like my dad, who spent his (and our) summer vacation painting the house or fence while we all yearned to "go somewhere"! I do understand!!
    Hope you can find something nice to do with your son at least. Sending you a loving hug! xxx

  8. When did you last have a holiday? I think you need one. xxx

  9. oh dear, I think everything has been said in previous comments. Get on a train and just go somewhere, it needn't be far or cost too much. Hope the storms on Sunday (if you had any...we did!) have cleared the air a little. xxx

  10. It's awful when the weather is too warm. We complain about having too much rain and the temperatures being pretty low for summer but I'd rather have rain and cool than be too hot. Is there no way you could get a break?


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