Monday, 19 October 2015

A Usable Space

There is a long way to go until I am happy with this room but at least it is now a clean, tidy and usable space.   We had all our windows replaced this year so now I can sit in comfort without drafty window panes rattling in the wind.  My budget was nil for my newly revamped spare/craft/studio/study and so I had to make use of any storage I already had.  I hung up curtains that used to be in my sons room and they will do the job fine.  Getting the room just as I want it will be an ongoing process.  I still have loads of 'stuff' that should go back in the room but I really don't want it to get cluttered again.

I am going to concentrate on my first love of  papercraft, painting and drawing so there will be no room for fabric in this room.  I already have a bedroom drawer full of cross stitch materials and I have no idea where I am going to put my jewellery making things.  I really do need  a separate room for each craft!

With the clocks going back next weekend I want to get this room finished so come the cold and dark evenings, I can cosy up in my little room with the curtains drawn and my daylight lamp lit and get on with my art/craft projects.  I must get on now.  You should see the mess I have made in the other rooms!

Have a great week!


  1. I have used a bedroom as my craft room but I'm never happy with the way things are organized. It now has to become a place to store our camping equipment so has to be reorganized!

  2. Well that all looks extremely tidy Simone, enjoy your crafting! :)
    V x

  3. It looks wonderful, Simone! And must feel so good.

    I don't have a budget for improvements in my space, either, but I think it's fun to repurpose things, rethink what you have and find things that can be given new life. I don't know what it's like in your area, but here people leave things out on the curb or in the trash that still have a lot of life left in them. I have found so many great pieces that way (the chair I'm sitting on now is one!).

    I hope you are inspired to do some wonderful creative work in your tidied up space!

    And btw, I love, love, love that aqua lamp! :)

  4. Tidy room, tidy mind? Hope it works. xx

  5. It looks wonderfully tidy now Simine! Well done...and enjoy some nice relaxing crafting in your cosy new space.
    Helen xox

  6. I am soooo impressed, Simone!!! You have inspired me!!! Looks wonderful!! xx

  7. Looks like a lovely cosy room to work in Simone. That's the trouble with clearing one room isn't it? Everything gets put elsewhere until it finds a home:)

  8. Your room is looking very organised.
    I bet this will be a wonderful place to go to in the darker evenings and be creative.
    Lisa x

  9. Oh, my. You've been so busy since I last visited, Simone. You've made so much progress, and the results are wonderful. I so believe we each need our own private space to dream and create. I have a very tiny room and while I thought it would be finished by now. LOL, it isn't! Well, almost, but I've got a couple of projects to finish to make it complete. You have inspired me to get it done! xo


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