Monday, 5 October 2015

Delighted and Daunted

It has taken me a large part of the last 4 days to find and leave 51 comments on blogs.  To read about this commenting on blogs challenge originally devised by Julie of Notes on paper (click here).  I have probably read over 100 posts in that time but not all posts were conducive to leaving a comment. I have been delighted at finding so many creative blogs that showcase their work such as cloth doll making, print making, photography, design etc. but at the same time a tad overwhelmed when I see the vast amount of talent out there in cyberspace and question if I am worthy to share such a space?  I feel a bit like a film extra sharing the stage with Oscar winning performers feeling that I shouldn't really be there.

I have observed that many talented creatives tend to specialise in one area of work.  It is that honing in on a particular skill that makes them experts in their field.  I have tried so hard to do this but with a low boredom threshold and so many exciting media to work with I find myself unfocused and floundering.  Maybe it is time that I DID get focused and concentrate on one thing - say water colour paints for instance -  and just work with them for one month and then the month after concentrate on felt craft or sewing, the next jewellery making etc.etc?  I think I maybe talking myself into making a plan!  Now planning is something I am not too good at but am willing to do or else forever be on an eternal merry-go-round.

If you want to have a look at some recommended blogs they can be found by clicking on the links in my side bar.  I will be adding to the list as and when I find them  They are all interesting for different reasons but I think you will be especially delighted with the discovery of  Wilodel blog.  Go and have a look.  It will cheer you up (and me) on this grey and miserable Monday in the UK.

Happy blog hunting!


  1. Isn't it interesting how broadening your reading can teach you all kinds of unexpected things? It really wasn't my intention when I started the experiment ... I guess that's why experiments are worth a try though! So many hidden lessons will pop up!

    And I know just what you mean about struggling to narrow down your interests / the ones you share. Maybe a magazine style would fit? You could have different segments for each topic.

    I'm definitely working on honing my content and, while not narrowing down exactly, at least finding a clear connection between my topics ... sort of like an over-arching 'mission statement' for my blog! Lots to plan and scribble about!


  2. I have the same problem with specialising but can't choose...
    or is variety the spice of life?

  3. It was a big undertaking Simone, so feel daunted by the commenting!
    As for crafting, you are what you are and if you like to dabble in a variety of crafts then that's ok and you certainly have as much right to be here as anyone!!
    V x

  4. Me too! Your blog entry could so easily have been written by me! I have toyed with the idea of doing one thing each month. I like sewing, both dressmaking and quilting, scrapbooking, gardening, photography, reading, writing etc etc! I agree with Ethel above, variety is the spice of life. X

  5. ps Forgot to ask do you know 'the woolly dog'? She has just made a comeback with a relevant post.xx

  6. Yes, you don't have to restrict yourself to just one craft. But focusing on just a few will mean you can really improve your skills.

  7. I think it is fine to try lots of different crafts Simone. Most of all it is good to follow your heart and make things you love!
    Helen xox

  8. Well, I can't believe you are taking on such a big project, Simone, but you're doing great! I'm about to do a new post, so you can leave a quick comment - lol!! Yes, I have found that sketching a lot lately has helped me to improve my skill level. So many things to try though!!! We shall never be bored!! :)

  9. Gosh you have done so well to leave so many comments, Simone - it is a huge challenge. Have you visited the three blogs below? Just thought I'd add them here but you have probably visited them already. Glad you are finding some wonderful things to inspire you, you have many talents especially in your jewelery making so do carry on with that as well as finding new crafts to try:)

  10. I have to agree with this quote by Theodore Roosevelt: "Comparison is the thief of joy." I also recently saw something online, a reminder someone had written themselves to not compare themselves to random people on the internet.

    Do what brings you joy. If it's a different thing every day, then so be it. Follow your passion; it will lead you in the right direction. Don't feel as if you should do anything just because that's what other people are doing. Your passion, your unique voice and vision are what make you special. Don't deny that!

    I hope that during the rest of your challenge you will find some lovely blogs and new blogging friends.

    Oh, and that poppy is beautiful!!

  11. There are so many things to learn, to do, to enjoy. It is no wonder we sometimes feel like Jack of all trades and master of none. I believe in following the muse of the moment. Creativity of any kind is a joyful thing. Feel free to indulge yourself.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us and thank you for sharing my little corning of the blogging world with your friends. : )x

  12. Simone, you sell yourself short. You have a lovely blog, and you have no need to feel it doesn't measure up. Your blog should reflect who YOU are and what YOUR interests are. You go girl! :) Hugs, Nancy P.S. You're an excellent writer, too, and your posts are very real. Well done.


Comments are moderated on this blog so it may be a while before your comment appears. I will try to leave a response to your comment where possible. Thank you so much for reading!