Sunday, 6 April 2014


I have been asked if I could draw a logo for the vineyard.  This is what I have come up with thus far (who says thus?) in my sketchbook.  They need a simple design that can be easily reproduced on certificates and merchandise perhaps?

I sketched the design in pencil and have gone over the lines with a fine liner pen.  It probably needs tweaking but I don't want to overwork it.  It may be a good idea to leave it a day or so before making any modifications. 

It felt good to be sketching again.  This was sketched from my imagination so it is just a representation of a grape vine.  I really DO need to sketch more.  It felt so liberating!


  1. Don't you feel just a bit happy for being asked, Simone?
    I like your design worked in the oval. And yes, you should sketch more. Nice that the process brought a sense of freedom.
    Have a happy week.

  2. Yes you DO need to sketch more Simone, you are very good at it!!!
    That is brilliant. :)
    V xxx

  3. Looks great there a company name to inter-twine?

  4. Hi Clare, they just want a drawing for now but I will do another one with the name of the vineyard so they can choose which one to use.

  5. You have yet another talent to share with us Simone!
    Lisa x

  6. That is a great logo you can instantly tell what it is about. I think you should sketch more too as it helps your ideas to flow and I agree it is a good feeling.

  7. WOW! that is wonderful - you are so talented
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  8. How wonderful to be asked to do something so special in that it will represent the vineyard and become a well known image. You are very talented, Simone:)

  9. Hi Simone, I've replied to your clever poem but wanted to follow I being a numpty? Where's your follow button? You should draw more often and write poetry! xx

  10. Very well done Simone, it is just right.

  11. I like that Simone. I've always been a little envious of anyone who can draw and/or paint as I can do neither.

  12. This is WONDERFUL, Simone!!

    Congratulations on being asked and for coming up with such a perfect logo.


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