Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Which One Do You Prefer?

I've not had any time for art last week but managed to catch up this week with finishing off two fish collages.  These are just experimental works and I would appreciate feedback on these questions.

Do you prefer the picture on the left or right of the screen?

What is it about this picture that you prefer over the other one?

That's all! 


  1. I prefer the left ... but that's probably down to the fact that I am a 'blue/green' person and not that there is anything wrong with the other!!

    1. Thanks Vivienne! There is no right or wrong answer to the question. x

  2. I like no 1. I like the position of the fish and the more subtle greeny yellow. Being a Pisces I like this picture a lot.

  3. The one on the left. I like the first fish at the top and colour in that one although I like the shoal of fish in the blue area at the bottom of the one on the right:)

  4. I prefer the one on the left. The right side version is very static, while the left one has the feel of the movement of fish through the water..Really good depth. Love the color washes.

  5. Me too I like the left one as it has more movement in it and I am not so keen on the flash of yellow in the other one though boith are good.

  6. I prefer the left. I like the motion and the fish are easier to see.

  7. I like them equally and think that they look very good together.

  8. I like the strong yellow streak of the one on the right but the balance of the overall picture is better on the one on the left and the way the blue starts off quite dark at the top then gradually fades down towards the bottom right corner allows the eye to move down through the picture. I love the movement you have created in the lower half of the picture too as the fish really feel like they are flowing down with direction of the water. The contrast you have created between the fish in what appear to be calmer waters above and the fish that seem to be caught up in a fast flowing current below is interesting - I am not sure if you intended that but I think it works very well.xx

  9. The fish swimming in one direction give the best effect of fish swimming and speed. The fish swimming in two directions look like fish on a motorway and in no hurry.x


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